Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1, 2013

So many funny and tragic things happen each day - now that I'm fighting breast cancer metastasis to bones, liver, and brain - oh my!   I thought by writing them out and sharing them with those I love near and far - I can enjoy the humor and share the love that I hold so dear for all of you!

I'm also continuing the 1st National Tour of Wicked - and we are here in Chicago until Christmas.  There is so much on my plate - but I'm hoping to add some eggnog and holiday cookies to it, also!

Medical update as of today:
I started my new chemo regime of Taxoter, Perjeta, Herceptin - the newest fighting tools for my HER2 positive mets at this point.   Monday was the day - and I spend 5 hours at the hospital while watching a beautiful fluffy snowfall out the window!  Thank you Chicago.   I didn't feel badly afterwards - so I joined friends out to celebrate our guitarist Lou Garrett's birthday celebration.

Jonathan McGill and I are trying to look cool - but I look like Leona Helmsly!  Anyway, a good time was had by all.

As I was in the hospital monday - my oncologist came in to tell me that the MRI showed the brain had spread to my brain.  Not good news - but I'm in the right place to get it treated.  I have 17 small lesions in the brain - it seems that chemo doesn't usually reach the brain because of a thing called the "blood brain" barrier that protects the head from invaders!   So we will have to treat the cancer with whole brain radiation - 20 sessions in a row.  I thought losing hair during chemo was bad - this will make the hair go sooner and affect whether it will grow back at all….. boo.  But as my doc says - put it into perspective - loss your hair? or lose your life?   He is smart…

Tuesday, I went in to prepare for my rads with a CT scan and the making of my mask.  Yes!  I get to wear a mask that clamps down onto the table to keep my head still and allows the doc to make marks on the mask and not my face - for the treatment.  I'll try to get a picture of my actual mask - but here is an example of one to give you an idea.  You can't open your mouth of eyes - but the treatment only lasts a few minutes.

This model looks all glamorous and relaxed - haha!

Wednesday is my first radiation treatment and all goes well except that during the show - my ears seemed to be a little clogged and I was a little worried about getting light headed.  They are giving me steroids to counteract swelling around the lesions that could cause pain and problems.   I didn't fall down or run into anything or anybody - so I would call it a successful day!

While feeling very tired, but relaxed - I met some of the cast for a lovely feast at the Palmer Inn.   We drank champagne mixed with cranberry or orange juice and ate way to much!  I didn't have much of an appetite but I did make a nice "to go"  box of all the goodies.  I was glad to have them later on in the night for a snack.   
Beautiful Marina Ballerina

Christina (make-up artist) , Mitch(sound tech)  & and sleeping Mace (baby boy!)

Adam, Kevin, Marina, Shannon & David

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