Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013

After a warmer day and a trip to Target to get a softer pillow and some supplies for my visit from dear Grant - I had a difficult start to the show.  My eyes were throbbing from behind my skull - and in the dressing room - every sound was too loud, too sharp, ringing in my head.  I knew they were side effects from the radiation which were from swelling - so even while taking steroids and anti-nausea drugs - I took just some simple ibuprofen which has always helped me in the past.   After suffering through the first few scenes - I felt much better for the rest of the night.  My doctor today told me that was fine - as long as I'm not having such long, lingering headaches that make me vomit - my brain is not swelling too much to cause problems.

I feel so much better today!   I ordered maid service to scrub the tub and toilets before Grant came to stay - and they entered like a horde of locusts - spraying and cleaning and washing everything in site!
I through on some nearby clothes and enjoyed the choice of a huge selection of hot beverage on the "lounge" area of the corporate apartment building!

20 minutes later - apartment is clean - and I'm ready for the trip to the hospital for radiation.
My chivalrous protectors are Kevin and Seamus, and the fair prince Rick Desloge and his tiny maid Bandit!   They dropped me off - then had a nice trip to the pet store to chose Christmas gifts and get advice on the best food choices for optimum health.  

Radiation went fine - I log in - wait a few minutes - they escort me to the treatment room - lock me into the "mask" - and I get zapped in two rotations of the machine - while experiencing a neon blue light through my head and the back of my eyes.  I visualize the blue light being a wave of healing energy - like on Star Trek when they used phasers to heal wounds!   I know, but I do believe that every little bit helps…

We (Kevin, Rick, Bandit, and Seamus) made it to the theatre just in time for our call time for the matinee.   The weather is almost WARM today - so the air was thick in the theatre and made everyone sweaty and cranky!  Grant was able to get on the early flight from Colorado - due to very bad weather in the area - and people not showing up for the flight in time.  He found his way from the airport to my apartment safely (barely missing ending up in a snowy ditch on his early morning drive to the airport - he tells me!) and he met me at the stage door after the matinee.  So great to see that face that I have known and loved for so many years….   And now he is sleeping in my walk-in closet!  What a trooper...

I was worried that I may not be able to continue at this pace of treatment and tour - but today I feel much more encouraged.  I think I've made it over the "hump" of transitioning to new shock and awe treatments - and now I know what to expect.  I will still take it day to day - week to week - whatever I need to do.  Tomorrow - radiation - then a trip to the crappiest thrift store I can find - to get the ugliest Christmas sweater I can find for our Wicked Night Before Christmas fundraiser show on Sunday.
Then rehearsals for the fundraiser - and our usual Wicked performance in the evening.   It is supposed to drop to 10 degrees in the next day or two - BRRR!

Feeling very fortunate to be surrounded by so many amazing people that I've grown so close to each day.  No matter where I am in the world - I feel loved.   

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