Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 22, 2013

My family has arrived to spend Christmas with me here in Chicago!  This is the best Christmas present I have EVER RECEIVED!   This will be a holiday I will cherish forever.

We closed our run in Chicago last night - and the next stop on tour is Providence, RI for three weeks.
I'll be staying at the historic Biltmore hotel - and may have a ghost or two share my room!

I only have 3 MORE RADIATION TREATMENTS!   I am so glad because the fatigue and foggy-headedness are really getting to me now.  I'm glad to have a few days rest from doing the show each day, also to give my mind and body a respite.  Although doing the show and being around all these crazy, wonderful people is the best medicine!   Food tastes terrible - and it is depressing because tasting good food is such an enjoyable experience - I am missing that enjoyment.  Had an amazing acupuncture season friday to help with the side effects - and this woman was nothing short of miraculous.  She even helped me bring some of the swelling down on my Eskimo Pie face!   I need to get more of these alternative treatments - they really do help.   I'm open to any and all help I can get to get me through this! The RAD oncologist says we will wait about a month for the radiation to keep doing it's work - then get an MRI to see (hopefully) that the 17 spots of cancer are all dead.  If there are a few still there, they will use the Gamma Knife to target them and zap them into infinity!  Sounds like a syfy super-hero plot - and I kinda think it is.  The doc says the rads he is giving will make me perform even better - that he will be responsible for my great performances in the future!

Speaking of crazy, wonderful people - 
Jenny gets tough with Pamela
Thursday was Ali Luff's birthday (she turned 25 - what a talent!  What a career ahead of her at such a young age)  so we had a "Whirly Ball" tournament - I've never heard of Whirly Ball - I guess it is a midwestern thing! I was lots of fun.
Adam has his own parade!
Marina, Pamela, and Gina

We had a fun Secret Santa reveal Sat between shows - and I was the SS to the best person ever - 
JOHN DAVIDSON!   I went overboard - and HAD to put up a copy of his 1970's centerfold from Cosmopolitan - decorated like the SNL  "Dick in a Box" skit.   I think he was a little embarrassed, but secretly enjoyed it!   I told him I wanted to show these young cast members how hot he was and still is..
Forgive me, John - it was all in fun!

Do not open till Dec 24!
The Secret Santa stash was fabulous - I had a great SS and got so many things I love - including wine and cheese!  Thank you, Pamela.  John didn't know I was his SS - I was surprised….

Our amazing dressers here in Chicago were so wonderful - we had 2 whole months to work with them and get to know them.   They gave me an amazing gift of a cloche had and a Willow Tree Angel of Healing!  What can I say - the love is just pouring in and out of people around me right now - it truly is a magical time.

Chicago dressers and my new cute hat!

Now, I'm off to make some more memories with my family - it is supposed to snow today and I'm waiting for that to happen - the rain is not so pretty!   

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